Dr. Nicole Mitchelson, Doctor of Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Regina

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Keep your Immune system awesome.

Now the winter temperature has seriously hit us in the prairies, cough and cold symptoms seem to start appearing in my practice. Did you know that Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) are both excellent as a preventative measure? Acupuncture still amazes me daily with how effective and gentle it can be. I find it so neat that thin, hair-like needles inserted into specific areas on the body can change our physiology.

So aside from getting acupuncture and herbs for helping with immunity, there are some seriously simple ways to keep your immune system up to par.

  1. Get enough sleep. I mean its dark outside early, start winding down early. Maximize your sleep by getting rid of screen and bright lights 1 hour (or more if you are very sensitive) before your desired bedtime. Keep your room cool and bedding breathable.

  2. Load up on vitamin D. Now that we don’t get enough with the sun, time to get your D in daily with some D3 drops. If you need a good one, send me an email and I can set you up with an amazing one for the whole family. Contact me here.

  3. Vit C. So under rated. So powerful. Take lots! If you feel run down, I would start taking 1,000 mg 4-7 x per day. If your bowel movements get loose, then you can tone it back until you find your acceptable amount your body is needing. A maintenance dose would be 1,000 mg 3x per day.

  4. Probiotics. Healthy gut flora = better nutrient assimilation = healthier body. Probiotics are a must. Confused with which one? Let me help you -Contact me here.

  5. Exercise. Sweat, move, get your lymphatic system working. Lymph tissue needs some assistance via movement.

In health & happiness,

-Dr. Nicole